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ELTRA products are becoming more and more popular thanks to the widespread adoption of automation and innovative technologies. Automation of production processes increases the accuracy and quality of parts manufacturing, increases the cost, reduces material consumption and costs, reduces the cost, dictates the use of special devices. The sensors provide control over the movement of working mechanisms during technological operations. The ELTRA sensor has become a mandatory component of most automated systems. The Italian company announced its presence in the market in 1985. The success of the enterprise consists of: 

  • preventive investment policies;
  • comprehensive study of demand;
  • introduction of innovative ideas and advanced technologies;
  • attracting highly qualified specialists.

The main concept of the manufacturer is the optimization of the production cycle and the production of devices for individual conditions. All products undergo strict quality control and comply with international certificates. The expansion of the sales network made devices under the ELTRA brand famous not only in Europe, but also in Asia and the USA. 

Encoders -  provide accurate positioning of the drive and other mechanisms of machines, machines, aggregates, any industrial equipment. The manufacturer, studying the requirements of the market, constantly improves its products, offering products with new characteristics. An optical-based incremental encoder monitors the position and angular velocity of the moving shafts. The use of magnetic encoders provides increased positioning accuracy, and absolute encoders using a photocell are able to retain position data after the mechanisms are turned off. The manufacturer offers explosion-proof encoders and other sensors with special properties for specific requirements. 

Linear and optical incremental systems provide maximum precision not only in motion control, but also in medical technology, synchronous / asynchronous motors, textiles, papermaking and many other areas. Linear potentiometers operate reliably even under harsh operating conditions and are easy to install and maintain. 

Incremental encoders track the change in shaft position relative to the reference position regardless of the direction of rotation. Eltra has developed a wide range of incremental encoders of various types (optical or magnetic), various mountings with a wide measuring range. In addition to standard encoders, Eltra offers the ability to design and manufacture devices to meet individual customer requirements. 

Optical incremental encoders - Eltra optical encoders are divided into two product lines. The first solid shaft range consists of miniature probes from 30 mm in diameter with a variety of flange options and output types. The line includes devices for industrial applications with increased requirements for mechanical resistance, high radial and axial loads on the shaft, as well as encoders in corrosion-resistant and explosion-proof design. The second line of hollow shaft angle encoders is designed for integration into small AC or DC motors and stepper motors. The encoders can be used over a wide temperature range and support high speeds up to 10,000 rpm. Miniature solid shaft encoders: EL30, ER30, EH38, EL40, ER40. Solid shaft encoders for increased axle loads: EL58, ER58. Flanged for increased axle loads: EL63, ER63. With solid stainless steel shaft: EL63AX, ER63AX, EL63DX, ER63DX. Flanged: EH90, EH115 Flanged Explosion Proof: EX80. Solid shaft: EL90, ER90. 

Magnetic incremental encoders - Eltra magnetic encoders operate over a wide range of temperatures and operating speeds. Thanks to the non-contact magnetic technology, these encoders are wear-free and can be used in harsh environments. Devices of this type are used in conjunction with electric motors in the shipbuilding industry, metallurgy, processing industry when working with wood, paper, glass, marble and other materials. Thanks to a wide range of mountings, these sensors can be used to automate various industrial processes. With solid shaft: EMI40, EMI63, EL90, ER90. Miniature encoders: EH17 - EH30. Flanged: EX80, EH90, EH115, EL72. Stainless steel: EL63AX, ER63AX, EL63DX, ER63DX. Hollow shaft: EF36, EL48, EL49, EF49, EL50, EF50, EL58, ER58, EL63, ER63, EL63, EH80, EF80, EH80, EH88, EL88, EL120, EMI22, EMI38, EMI55. For actuator feedback: EF36, EL49, EF49, EL50, EF50, EH80, EF80. With blind hollow shaft: EL38, ER38, EH53, EL53, EH88. High resolution sensors: EL48. Compact encoders: EL58, ER58, EMI22, EMI55. For heavy duty applications: EH80, EH99.
Optical single turn absolute encoders - Eltra optical single-turn encoders are available with solid and hollow shafts, support the PROFIBUS standard, and can be supplied in stainless steel housings. They can be made in an explosion-proof design and are used in the production of food and beverages, in the design of machines, cranes and winches, in the oil production and refining industry. Flanged encoders EA58, EA63, EA90, EA115, EAX80. With solid shaft EA58, EA63, EA90, EA115, EA63AX, EA63DX, EA63SSI, EA63AX, EA63DX, EA63 Profibus. Fieldbus EA58, EA63, EA90, EA115, EA63AX, EA63DX, EA63 Profibus. Explosion-proof EAX80. 

Magnetic single turn absolute encoders - Magnetic single-turn encoders use non-contact magnetic technology, are highly compact, and are available with both solid and hollow shafts. They are adapted for use in especially harsh environmental conditions, which makes it possible to use them in the marine and metallurgical industries, as well as in material processing. With hollow shaft EMA22, EMS22, EMA55, EML50. Compact encoders EMA22, EMS22, EMA55. With solid shaft EMA50, EML50. Heavy-duty EML50. 

Multi-turn rotary encoders - High-resolution multiturn encoders for the absolute angle of rotation are targeted at applications in the field of robotics, the implementation of feedback for the control of electric motors, as well as for use in CNC machines. The line includes devices made with a degree of protection IP 66, with the ability to be used in harsh external conditions. With flange EAM58, EAM63, EAM90, EAM115. Fieldbus EAM58, EAM63, EAM90, EAM115 Profibus. With solid shaft EAM63AX, EAM63DX, EAM63SSI. Hollow axle EAM36. 

Incremental Linear Converters

Eltra linear transducers are designed for tracking and measuring linear movements. The principle of operation is based on calculating the change in resistance created by the movement of a given object within an electrical circuit. Depending on the model, the transducers can have different mountings, be performed with or without zero mark, with several configurations of electronic outputs. The units are supplied with an integrated self-lubricating mechanism in a compact housing to ensure long life without any maintenance. Linear converters with rack and pinion EC34. Magnetic converters ER, ETMA1, ETMA2. Linear gear converters RH200, RL500, RM500. Potentiometer converters RH200, RL500, RM500.

Linear position sensors - Eltra linear position transmitters are linear potentiometers providing high reliability even in harsh operating conditions with heavy vibration and shock loads. The devices are widely used in material handling equipment, various presses, machines for molding plastics, rubber, etc. Analog position sensors EPLA, EPLB, EPLT, EMSPA, EMSSA. Sensors with SSI EPLC, EMSSS interface. Non-contact linear position sensors EMSPA, EMSPS, EMSSA, EMSSS. Magnetostrictive absolute EMSPA, EMSPS, EMSSA, EMSSS. Position sensors with potentiometer EPLA, EPLB, EPLC, EPLT. EMSPS digital sensors. 
PROFIBUS position transmitters with cable - PROFIBUS position transmitters with cable comply with the PROFIBUS DP standard (according to European standard EN 50170 2.) and meet the "PROFIBUS profile" requirements for encoders. The Profibus DP interface supports a maximum resolution of 25 bits and has all the advantages of a stand-alone version, but additionally can use the flexibility of the Profibus DP network. Mechanical PROFIBUS position transmitters with cable: FES, FE.

Other products and accessories - Eltra also manufactures a series of encoders with potentiometric output signal, mounted in a robust housing, fitted with two bearings. The product catalog contains EMB signal splitter boards, which are used to adapt encoders to control various devices. The main function of the EMB is output isolation, output stage trim and optical isolation of inputs. EMD sensor signal selectors are used to select a signal from one of the three inputs and transmit signals from one of them to the output. Eltra flexible couplings are essential elements for transmitting rotary motion on the sensor shaft. The couplings are made of aluminum alloy and consist of a cylindrical body with a helical groove to provide torsional rigidity and the ability to compensate for small shaft misalignments or absorb small axial shaft displacements. Electronic pens EV Series. Signal converters EMB, EMBO. Flexible quick couplings for encoders: G20, G25, G30A. 

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